A portfolio for developers
A simple colorful CSS framework
My old personal website
A portfolio for developers (Next js version)
Gatsby theme portfolio
Easily mint NFTs
Copy & paste code to roll your own auth easily and for free
A Flexbox grid ready, easy to implement and customize
ontwik-ui - A headless UI library
An e-commerce php/mysql website built from scratch (Deprecated)
Personal CRA boilerplate
Not todo Gatsby app for my talk
Gatsby starter with i18n and some cool features
A React component to render your pagination navigation
Next static and dynamic SSR + Prisma 2 + Postgres + Auth0 + Vercel
Boilerplate of a RESTful API
Boilerplate for auth using Type-graphql, typeORM, Postgres and Redis
A single artificial neuron built from scratch to understand the maths behind neural nets !
A Next js boilerplate for authentication
Offline Covid-19 stats
My recent talk about Next.js at 1337 Ben guerir
Gatsby Apollo starter - with client side routing
Gatsby Airtable starter
My personal React app boilerplate to build mvps faster.
A Next.js Todo app that uses Server Actions
A Notion Changelog Next js boilerplate
Roll your own auth boilerplate, REST API - Next.js
A simple PWA Todo App
Load your Dribbble shots into your Gatsby website
A simple todolist react app
Next js app to upload pictures to Imagekit using Next API routes
Roll your own auth boilerplate, REST API - express js Prisma SQlite Redis http-only cookie
WTH is ISR? - Blablaconf talk
Prisma2 + Gatsby
Experimenting trying to find the best way possible to deliver design systems with efficiency
A simple rest api to start with, built with express and mongoose.
Example website for the gatsby-source-dribbble plugin
Monorepo containing my examples of my recent talk about handling server cache state in React js
Making students online learning experience better
REST API for my Gatsby talk about building static & dynamic apps with Gatsby
Personal React native boilerplate
Next.js + Rainbowkit + Alchemy + Next Auth Token gating starter
Slides of my talk about The evolution of CSS Grid systems
Example React Native mobile app for my recent article
A simple boilerplate using Rainbowkit, Sign In With Ethereum and a custom authentication.
Short introduction into Vue
Implement authentication cheaply and securely talk
My talk about Contentful Headless CMS and how to use along with Gatsby to build a blog
Example React web app for my recent article
Boilerplate that uses React Native and React Native Navigation
Slides of the online webinar about creating mvps using React/Gatsby & Airtable
Json file to easily get currency by country code
Beaf Rest API bootstrapped in 24 hours.
Unnamed starter kit featuring yoeman webapp
A simple boilerplate using Sign In With Ethereum and express-session storing the session in a cookie.
A simple personal Glassdoor like for you
To be deleted
A talk about building static & dynamic apps with Gatsby
Slide deck for my upcoming talk about Gatsby
Beaf React App bootstrapped in 24 hours
A simple weather PWA
A simple Next.js with voting polls, more features to be added.
[WIP] A React package to stream crypto using Superfluid
A Vue Flex Grid that's easy to use and customize
Test Vue app for a Vue workshop
Just me gathering my boilerplates in this one repo
Testing Next Image component with ISR
Demo blog during my talk on WTM
See your GitHub repos using GitHub GraphQL API
CRA starter with Airtable - A videography app to manage your shots
A blog example using Gatsby
An example using Context API with useReducer, ethers and Opensea API
An example using Redux and ethers with Opensea API
Example REST API for my recent article
A quick prototype to test i18n with Contentful
Landing page of Beaf app
A todo app with React hooks [WIP]
Personal RN boilerplate with native base
Helping on everyday's decisions!
A ready to use php function image resizer
Reproduction repo using Bun to run a Next.js SPA with tanstack table
Demo of ISR with GitHub GraphQL API
Demo that I live coded during the ZEIT community meetup
Slides of my talk about Gatsby on the ZEIT community meetup
Documentation website of Unnamed CSS
Simple Sinatra app
First CRUD rails REST API
React app of clean hajj
Clean hajj rest api
Jekyll starter kit
Yeah, I'm single - wear it, go outside & meet with people !
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